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Q: What do I do if I get stung by a yellowjacket?

Corollary: What do I do if I am stung / bit by a wasp / hornet / meat bee?

A: Responses vary. The primary advice was:

  1. Act quickly. The sooner you treat the sting (yes, it's a sting, not a bite) the better. Wasp stings (yes, it's a kind of wasp) hurt WAY more than bee stings, so if you have only been stung by bees before, you are in for a way worse treat with a wasp sting. You also may be allergic and not know it, so if you have major immediate swelling, especially in your throat, go to emergency care right away.
  2. Remove the stinger. You may think a wasp doesn't leave it's stinger, but it's thin and delicate, and you may have swatted it when you got stung and broken it off in there. Avoid using tweezers; scrape it out with a stiff edge like a credit card, with the angle of the stinger embedded in your skin and not against.
  3. Take ibuprofen / acetominophen / etc. Ibuprofen will help with the swelling, but take some kind of pain reliever, at least.
  4. Take an antihistamine. Also to help with the swelling and other allergic-type reactions your body will be having.
  5. Use topical pain reliver / swelling reducer like aloe vera or hydrocortisone.
  6. Finally, ICE. This is the ONLY thing that will provide lasting relief. When I was stung, I did all the other stuff, but it only really felt better once I applied ice, and whenever I removed the ice, the pain came right back. KEEP ICE ON IT.

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